- Austin, TX USA
(UTC -06:00)
- Pro
Wii-GC-File-Manager Public
Effortlessly converts your GameCube ROM directory into a WiiFlow/Nintendont parsable format.
Python UpdatedApr 25, 2024 -
GDtoGI Public
Minecraft Paper 1.20.2 Plugin that allows you to smelt Glowstone Dust into Glow Ink Sac
Java UpdatedMar 5, 2024 -
POTAlogFormat Public
Takes user inputs and automatically generates the POTA ADIF format
Python UpdatedApr 19, 2022 -
yandeks-temnaya-tema Public
Темная тема для Яндекса. Слишком ленив для материального дизайна. | Dark Theme for Yandex Homepage. Too lazy for proper design.
1 UpdatedFeb 12, 2020 -
--NRSC5 Public
Дубликат: https://github.com/theori-io/nrsc5 | русский перевод
GNU-Radio-Flowgraphs Public
Sample GNU Radio Flowgraphs for the RTLSDR and HackRF, Easily adaptable to other SDR's
YAM2D Public
GNU Radio Flowgraph for demodulating the QPSK LRPT signal from meteor m2.
aa5robot Public
Forked from bmonty/aa5robotA Slack bot for the Alamo Area Radio Organization Slack channel.
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2018 -
Python3-GOES-Data-Downloader Public
Original Code by K2SDR: https://www.qrz.com/db/k2sdr
Arduino-Morse-Decoder Public
Decodes morse code inputted via push button into plaintext
Arduino-Morse-Encoder Public
Converts text in the serial monitor to morse which is output trough a pin to an LED or buzzer
WaxianOTP Public
Excel Macro for Encoding/Decoding simpletext messages using a key and Microsoft excel. Base code by RF_WAX
1 UpdatedAug 9, 2018 -
bitso-py Public
Forked from derektanaka/bitso-pyA python wrapper for the Bitso APIs
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2018 -
MicroFox-RADAR Public
Sample Code for the Arduino compatible MicroFox RADAR
C++ UpdatedJun 14, 2018 -
Potato Public
Forked from drtshock/PotatoIf you fork this then you can say you forked a potato.
portapack-hackrf Public
Forked from sharebrained/portapack-hackrfPortability Add-On for the HackRF Software-Defined Radio.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 3, 2018 -
basicft8 Public
Forked from rtmrtmrtmrtm/basicft8An annotated simple FT8 demodulator.
Python UpdatedNov 22, 2017 -
Applying_EANNs Public
Forked from ArztSamuel/Applying_EANNsA 2D Unity simulation in which cars learn to navigate themselves through different courses. The cars are steered by a feedforward neural network. The weights of the network are trained using a modi…
ASP MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2017 -
VT100-Examples Public
Forked from 0x5c/VT100-ExamplesExamples of Windows' new console's VT100 emulation features
C++ UpdatedSep 24, 2017