An open-source, minimal, configurable, fast bootstrapper for running Roblox on Linux.
- Automatic DXVK Installer and uninstaller
- Automatic Wineprefix killer when Roblox has quit
- Automatic removal of outdated cached packages and versions of Roblox
- FPS Unlocking for Player by default, without rbxfpsunlocker
- Browser launch via MIME
- Custom execution of wine program within wineprefix
- TOML configuration file
- Force a specific version of Roblox
- Select/Force Roblox release channels, lets you opt into non-production Roblox release channels
- Custom launcher specified to be used when launching Roblox (eg. GameMode).
- Wine Root, allows you to set a specific wine installation path
- Sanitization of environment
- Set different environment variables and FFlags for both Player and Studio
- Modifications of Roblox via the Overlay directory, overwriting Roblox's files; such as re-adding the old death sound
- Faster Multi-threaded installation and extraction of Roblox
- Multiple instances of Roblox open simultaneously
- Loading window during setup
- Logging for both Vinegar and Wine
- Credits to
- Logo modified with Katie, made by the Twemoji team, Licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
- Katie usage authorized by karliflux