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A repository for instagram clone course
Kickstart your project and save time with Larament! This time-saving starter kit includes a Laravel 11 with FilamentPHP 3 already installed and set up, along with extra features.
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
A Laravel and Filament-powered accounting platform, crafting a modern and automated solution for financial management.
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Provides a Google reCaptcha V2 field for the Filament Forms(V2-V3), works in Admin-Panel and Forntend-Forms.
Laravel Ticket System, to help you manage your tickets easily.
An opinionated way to authenticate users using Laravel Socialite.
The multi-level select field lets you pick one or multiple options from a list that is neatly organized into different levels.
HydePHP - Static Site Generator with the power of Laravel and the simplicity of Markdown.
💰 Open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT.
A source-available invoice, quote, project and time-tracking app built with Laravel
LaraSail - Set Sail with your Laravel app on DigitalOcean
LaraCollab is a project management tool build with Laravel and React.
TailwindCSS UI Blocks/Templates of Ecommerce Platform