Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
A Gradle plugin for providing your secrets to your Android project.
A custom Android View for drawing smooth signatures
Android Signature Pad is an Android library for drawing smooth signatures
Android widget that can render PDF documents stored on SD card, linked as assets, or downloaded from a remote URL.
A Android PDF Viewer that render pdf using PdfRenderer and displays it in a RecyclerView.
Example Android library that builds on
A collection of samples of different Android OS platform APIs.
🔦 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
Kotlin Coroutines Examples
The first GitHub Copilot, Codeium and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension
Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically
Make work with Android View Binding simpler
Android Messages as a Cross-platform Desktop App
recompose is a tool for converting Android layouts in XML to Kotlin code using Jetpack Compose.
🚀 This project contains various examples that show how you would do things the "Jetpack Compose" way
✔️ Simple, pretty and powerful logger for android
JetInstagram is an Instagram UI clone app built with Jetpack Compose.
Sample App with Jetpack components(LiveData, Navigation, ViewModel) + MVVM + coroutine + single activity
Ivy Wallet is an open-source money manager app for Android, no longer maintained. You can fork the code or download the final version from Google Play.
Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 💰
This is a project built with Love ❤️ and also with Clean architecture in Android .
🧱 A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose