- Knoxville, TN
- https://danielstorm.app
- @DanielStormApps
Vibrator Public
Play system vibrations and Apple Haptic Audio Pattern (AHAP) files in your iOS applications.
AHAPpy Public
Forked from samroman3/AHAPpyAudio to AHAP Converter
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2024 -
SMC Public
Read-only wrapper for macOS's System Management Controller (SMC) written in Swift
BuildTimes Public
Forked from timroesner/BuildTimes🔨 Xcode script to measure build times across days
Fanny Public
Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU/GPU temperature from your Notification Center.
ACThumbnailGenerator-Swift Public
Forked from acotilla91/ACThumbnailGenerator-SwiftSwift utility for extracting still images from remote video streams (e.g. HLS/.m3u8 streams) on iOS apps.
swift-performance Public
Forked from sebastienpeek/swift-performancePerformance testing with Swift
Powerful image loading and caching system
Reachability.swift Public
Forked from ashleymills/Reachability.swiftReplacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Create-Random-Bezier-Path Public
Swift Playground example of how to create a random UIBezier path.