The code implementation and data for A Rationale-centric Counterfactual Data Augmentation Method for Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution accepted by NAACL24 main. Such data augmentation method is called LLM-RCDA.
Our implementation is built based on Focus on what matters: Applying Discourse Coherence Theory to Cross Document Coreference repository. Thanks for their awsome work.
Data preparation
- Retrieving mention pairs from ECB+/GVC/FCC's training/dev/test corpus.
- Interacting with LLMs.
- Generating CAD-enhanced dataset.
Training and evaluation
- Zero-shot coreference evaluation results of LLMs with the Doc-Template prompt on ECB+.
- Zero-shot/Few-shot with CoT pairwise compairsion of LLMs on ECB+ test mention pairs.
- CAD quality evaluation.
- Fine-tune the coreference classifer with a Roberta-Large backbone.
- In-domain coreference evaluation on ECB+/FCC/GVC.
- Ablation study results on ECB+.
- Out-of-domain robustness test.
The codebase is tested with Python version 3.10.13. We recommend using Conda for managing your Python environment:
conda create -n LLM-RCDA python=3.10.13
conda activate LLM-RCDA
Then install all the dependency packages by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the usage of spacy, the following command could be helpful:
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
The coreference classifer is built upon a transformer cross-encoder with Roberta-Large backbone. The code for training/evaluating the classifer is in src/all_models/
Following the previous SOTA work,
Considering a trade-off between the training time and the increasing amount of augmented data, we only add two CAD for each original data from the top 5 nearest pairwise data in the training set, and keep the others unchanged. After data augmentation, we receive 68.2K, 35.8K and 97.3K mention pairs to train the cross-encoder on ECB+, FCC and GVC respectively.
To train the model, please run the meta bash file:
title=main # ablation_study or AD_ratio
bash run_sh/${title}/
It will save the checkpoint of the best model, training logs, and coreferential links in the dev set to the correspounding `best_model' folder in outputs.
To evaluate the model on the test set, please run the meta bash file:
title=main # ablation_study or AD_ratio or ood_test
bash run_sh/${title}/
It will save evaluation logs, coreferential links, gold_map and model_map in the test set to the correspounding `best_model' folder in outputs. The
For other coreference metrics evaluation, such as