Changes made to this fork:
- It will generate a
file containing the calculated crop points of each frames at the output folder - I changed a pointer to a vector at
because it was throwing a segmentation fault intermittently - I also downscale and change the video frame rate prior to executing autoflip so it consumes less RAM and doesn't kill my machine. It uses ffmpeg which is a requirement for autoflip to downscale to 480w (preserve aspect ratio) and change the fps to 24. See more here
Either compile it yourself by installing the dependencies declared at the Dockerfile or pull the docker container from
and run it:-
Automatic (sends in a file, receives output file)
docker run --rm -v ./input:/workspace/input -v ./output:/workspace/output -e INPUT_VIDEO=theoffice_parkour.mp4 -e ASPECT_RATIO=3:4 daniloleemes/autoflip
Manual (log into the container and run commands manually)
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/input:/workspace/input -v $(pwd)/output:/workspace/output -e INPUT_VIDEO=love_island_2.mp4 -e ASPECT_RATIO=3:4 --entrypoint "" -it daniloleemes/autoflip /bin/bash
Then after inside the container, run
./ <filename.mp4> <aspect eg 3:4>
It's all within the autoflip_graph.pbtxt. That file contains the specification for each node and each of the parameters can be found at the Node's calulator .proto
file. For instance, this node:
# VIDEO_PREP: Scale the input video before feature extraction.
node {
calculator: "ScaleImageCalculator"
input_stream: "FRAMES:video_raw"
input_stream: "VIDEO_HEADER:video_header"
output_stream: "FRAMES:video_frames_scaled"
options: {
[mediapipe.ScaleImageCalculatorOptions.ext]: {
preserve_aspect_ratio: true
output_format: SRGB
target_width: 480
Its API is declared at scale_image_calculator.proto
For reference, these are the protos for each calculator used on Autoflip's graph
- ScaleImageCalculator
- PacketThinnerCalculator
- BorderDetectionCalculator
- ShotBoundaryCalculator
- FaceToRegionCalculator
- LocalizationToRegionCalculator
- SignalFusingCalculator
- SceneCroppingCalculator
- VideoPreStreamCalculator
- OpenCvVideoEncoderCalculator
In case you do not want a video to be generated you can comment out the last two nodes
# ENCODING(required): encode the video stream for the final cropped output.
node {
calculator: "VideoPreStreamCalculator"
# Fetch frame format and dimension from input frames.
input_stream: "FRAME:cropped_frames"
# Copying frame rate and duration from original video.
input_stream: "VIDEO_PRESTREAM:video_header"
output_stream: "output_frames_video_header"
node {
calculator: "OpenCvVideoEncoderCalculator"
input_stream: "VIDEO:cropped_frames"
input_stream: "VIDEO_PRESTREAM:output_frames_video_header"
input_side_packet: "OUTPUT_FILE_PATH:output_video_path"
input_side_packet: "AUDIO_FILE_PATH:audio_path"
options: {
[mediapipe.OpenCvVideoEncoderCalculatorOptions.ext]: {
codec: "avc1"
video_format: "mp4"
Run the python script located at the debugger folder:
Assuming you have an input video called theoffice.mp4 and the output was theoffice_3:4.csv
python3 debugger/ theoffice 3:4