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shadowsocksr-csharp Public
Forked from shadowsocksrr/shadowsocksr-csharpC# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 9, 2020 -
webpy Public
Forked from webpy/webpyweb.py is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful.
Python Other UpdatedSep 5, 2016 -
goblueprints Public
Forked from matryer/goblueprintsSource code for Go Programming Blueprints
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2016 -
bilibili-api Public
Forked from Vespa314/bilibili-apiB站API收集整理及开发,测试【开发中】
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -
shadowsocks-iOS Public
Forked from sinuos-zz/shadowsocks-iOSFork of shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS
Objective-C Other UpdatedAug 22, 2015 -
MostColorPicker Public
Forked from trawor/MostColorPickerUIImage helper to get dynamic background color
Objective-C UpdatedJun 3, 2013 -
uidevice-extension Public
Forked from erica/uidevice-extensionAdd functionality to UIDevice to distinguish between platforms like iPod touch 1G and 2G and iPhone
Objective-C UpdatedJul 2, 2012 -
iphoneheaders Public
Forked from rpetrich/iphoneheadersHeaders for private frameworks or undocumented interfaces of iPhoneOS.
toolchain4 Public
Forked from javacom/toolchain4iPhone toolchain 4 for Ubuntu 10.10
cydia Public
Cydia is an alternative to Apple's App Store for "jailbroken" devices, at this time including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, specializing in the distribution of all that is not an "app".
SDURLCache Public
Forked from rs/SDURLCacheURLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad
theos Public
Forked from theos/theosUnified cross-platform iPhone Makefile system
KTPhotoBrowser Public
Forked from kirbyt/KTPhotoBrowserKTPhotoBrowser is a lightweight photo browser library for the iPhone and iPod touch that looks and behaves like the iPhone Photos app.
CustomWidgetIcons Public
Forked from devslashwill/CustomWidgetIconsA library for iOS 5 widget devs to use custom icon images on the Notifications settings page.
xpwn Public
Forked from planetbeing/xpwnA cross-platform custom NOR firmware loader and custom IPSW generator for the iPhone