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This Tool is useful to install Programs & Software on your Debian based Servers, Desktops, Mini-PC, Raspberry´s...
tylerjwatson / seplosd
Forked from BrucePerens/seplos_cSeplos to MQTT toolkit
Controlling Jarolift(TM) TDEF shutters via ESP32 and CC1101 - MQTT - Home Assistant
This integration allows to monitor Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) battery management systems (BMS) from within Home Assistant.
Dies ist eine Anleitung seinen Qidi Drucker der Serie 3 zu aktualisieren.
Cura plugin to allow print on QIDI 3D printers over network
This is a step by step tutorial of how to build an open OS and latest Klipper für QIDI X-3 series printers.
A simple LCD firmware that enables Qidi X-3 series printers to operate with the official mainline Klipper firmware.
Integrate Warp2 charger into Victron Energies Venus OS
Integrate Open_EVSE charger into Victron Energies Venus OS
Insular email distribution - mail server as Docker images
Free Weather Forecast API for non-commercial use
Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges easily and securely.
Simple DNS daemon to redirect requests based on domain names
This repository features an Energy Optimization System (EOS) that optimizes energy distribution, usage for batteries, heat pumps& household devices. It includes predictive models for electricity pr…
PWM control of Noctua fans using an ESP32
ESP32 fan controller with temperature sensor and MQTT
Зонный усилитель для умного дома на микросхеме PAM8610 + Arduino Ethernet MQTT
Get Mi Home devices token Windows/MacOS app.
Tasmota Backup TasmoBackup - backup all your tasmota devices in one place.
👜 A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects
Simple.css is a CSS template that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly.
Dockerized based on tomcat:9-jre11 & tomcat:9-jre8-alpine official image.