Hi, I am a Full Stack Web Developer with prime focus on JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NodeJS;
My Skills are:
Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python \
FrontEnd: ReactJS, Redux, HTML5, CSS3,Material UI, NextJS, Tailwind CSS,Apollo Client
BackEnd: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Serverless Framework, REST API, GraphQL, Firebase
Database: AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB, MySQL, AWS RDS
AWS: S3 Bucket, Lambda Functions, EC2
Testing: Jest, Enzyme, Cypress
CI/CD Pipeline: Travis CI
Deployment: Docker, Webpack, nginx \
Authentication: Node JWT, Auth0
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/md-shadman-matin-piyal-b80041ba/
Email_one: [email protected]
Email_two: [email protected]
Here is a list of some of my works... \
1)Chatting Application,
Live Link: http://blooming-depths-14396.herokuapp.com/
GitHub Link : https://github.com/DanteDX/ChatTimeApp
Built With: React,Socket.io,Node,Express
2)Video Search Application where youtube data api is used,
Live Link: https://shielded-hollows-16555.herokuapp.com/
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/VideoSearchEngine
Built With: React, Youtube Data API v3, Node, Express
3)Covid 19 Information Finder,
Live Link: https://covid19dantedx.netlify.app/
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/Covid19Information
Built with: React, 3rd Party API data fetching, react-chartjs-2
4)A dummy book & guitar shop site,
Live Link: https://thawing-beyond-01808.herokuapp.com/
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/GuitarBookShop
Built with: React, Redux,Node, MongoDB,Express
5)A demo of a site of viewing news and chat at the same time using 3rd party api,
Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha8EKaK_QuI&feature=youtu.be
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/ChatNewsTime
Built With: Node, EJS Template Engine, 3rd Party API, Socket.io
- A demo of a site for searching latest news instantly,
Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a7gEGg8ieA&feature=youtu.be
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/NewsSearchPortal Built with: React, Node, 3rd party API Data fetching, Express
7)A Blog Posting site with authentication,
Live Link: https://protected-peak-80259.herokuapp.com/blogs
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/BloggingSite
Built With: React, Node, MongoDB, Node JWT, Bcryptjs, Express
- A social media site with authentication,
Live Link: http://boiling-chamber-85237.herokuapp.com/
GitHub Link: https://github.com/DanteDX/beybladeBreakers/ Guilt With: React,Node , MongoDB, Node JWT, Bcryptjs, Express