A sound recognition system intended to provide emotional health analisys, and suggest treatment options.
To bring better support to health care workers, helping them to be more effective with their practice, and to keep in the research of emotional analisys through the spoken communication.
Stands by RObin Spectrum ANalizer, is the integrated tool for spectrum analisis, it performs graphical signal drawing for Time and Frequency domains
Python ^3.6
- librosa
- tk
- sounddevice
- soundfile
- wave
Ubuntu 18.04 (OS)
- ffmpeg
- libportaudio2
- libasound-dev
Run the script
$ ./install_modules.sh
To run Rosan, be sure of having installed all dependencies
$ ./rosan
click to 'open file'
and type one of the files in the list without the .wav extension, all audio files are stored in /recs directory, you can add your own files to analyze.
Rosan is the entry point, it joins two cores docs:
Encapsulates the render functions for the Window, Track and Sample elements docs:
Reads the .wav sound files, and store the raw bytes as an attribute for Audio object
This feature is at creation state, an updated documentation about this feature will be release with the working version.
You can also try to run $ ./kivy.sh
Install buildozer check the docs at kivy
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install buildozer
git clone https://github.com/kivy/buildozer.git
cd buildozer
sudo python setup.py install
To record the needed data, a kivy test AndroidApp has been builded, using the buildozer.spec file.
Plug your Android device and run:
$ buildozer android debug deploy run
To add new features just fork this repo and ask for a PR, also please send me an email commenting about your experience with emotional health, we can build a community and bring great solutions for this.
Daniel Rodriguez
- Gmail [email protected]
- Twitter @Danucas1
- Linkedin daniel-rodriguez-castillo
Software engineer from Holberton School interested in visual programming, signal processing, data analisys, graphics, sound and a lot of other fields.