The second project of my Flask Tuts Series in Persian! We are going to develop a ReSTFul Web Directory using Flask, Each episode, has it's own branch
- Store and Validate Data | Branch on Github | Video On YouTube
- Authentication | Branch on Github | Video On YouTube
- Upload files | Branch on Github | Video On YouTube
- Update/Delete Data | Branch on Github | Video On YouTube
- Deploy on Fandogh | Branch on Github | Video On YouTube
- Clone the repo by
$ git clone
- Go to cloned directory and create a virtual environment
$ python3 -m virtualenv venv
orpy -3 -m virtualenv venv
if you are using Windows! - Activate the virtual environment using
$ ./venv/bin/activate
or$ .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
if you are using Windows! - Install the requirements using
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy
and fill in the keys. - Run the migrations by
$ flask db upgrade
- Run the project using
$ flask run
Ask your questions on the comments section in YouTube, I try to answer the ones I can!