Hey there, welcome to my Cosmology Assignments Repository! This repository is a collection of assignments that I've completed during my journey in the fascinating field of cosmology. If you're a student, researcher, or simply someone interested in exploring the mysteries of the universe, you've come to the right place.
Cosmology is a captivating scientific discipline that seeks to understand the origins, evolution, and structure of the universe. It delves into profound questions about space, time, matter, and energy, providing insights into the fundamental nature of our existence. From the Big Bang theory to dark matter, dark energy, and the large-scale structure of the universe, cosmology offers a mind-boggling adventure.
Let me give you a quick overview of the repository's structure. Here's how it's organized:
Assignment 1: This directory contains the first assignment, which covers the basics of cosmology, including the expanding universe, Hubble's law, and the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Assignment 2: In this directory, you'll find the second assignment, where I explore the intriguing topic of dark matter and its impact on the structure and dynamics of galaxies.
Assignment 3: Head over to this directory to delve into the concept of dark energy, investigating its role in the accelerating expansion of the universe.
Final Project: The final project directory is where I put everything I've learned throughout the assignments to the test. It challenges me to tackle a comprehensive cosmological problem or research question.
To get started with the assignments, you'll need a few dependencies. Make sure you have the following installed:
Python 3: The assignments are written in Python, so having Python 3 installed on your machine is essential.
NumPy: This powerful numerical computing library is used extensively in the assignments. You can install it by running the following command: pip install numpy
SciPy Optimization: The assignments also make use of the optimization capabilities provided by SciPy. Install it using the following command: pip install scipy
Matplotlib: Matplotlib is a plotting library that allows us to visualize the results. Install it using the following command: pip install matplotlib
Once you have these dependencies installed, you're ready to dive into the assignments!
Feel free to clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/darkandpure/cosmology-assignments.git
I'm always open to contributions from the cosmology community. If you have your own assignments or related materials that you'd like to share, please feel free to submit a pull request. Let's collaborate and make this repository even more valuable!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me by creating an issue on the repository, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I hope you find these cosmology assignments as exciting as I did. Enjoy your cosmic journey!
Best regards, [Vivek]