Use Lua scripts in the Nox game!
There is little sence to build project with compiler other than Visual Studio compiler, because UniMod3 is for the Nox game - Windows only application. I don't test, but possible that other compiler will be ABI incompatible with Nox.
Project use Meson build system. It allows to use different version of MVS and facilitates project dependency. But there are and cons too.
To build project you need:
- Installed Meson (you read about Meson installation here. It's very easy. Seriously.)
- Installed Visual Studio with compiller that support C++11 (I tested vs2015 and vs2017).
Open your Developer Command Line (Prompt?) and write: UniMod3GitDir UniMod3BuildDir --backend vs2017 --Dnox_dir=D:/WhereYouNoxIs
Option nox_dir allows you to copy all neccesarry UniMod3 files to your Nox by rebuilding UniMod3_copy target.
After that meson generate Visual Studio files for UniMod3.