- Robot website: http://cmsc838f-s15.wikispaces.com/kinetic-topogo
- Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuHxXKFdOlw
Description: Control your robot, differently
The C# code tries to read the exact position of each joint using a Microsoft Kinect so that it could calculate and send our hands movements to the arduino. Commands are sent through a SerialPort communication between the computer that runs the C# program and the Arduino. The arduino code translates the commands received from its Serial Port into PWM analog voltages that would set the position of each servo motor.
Materials Used
- Microsoft Kinect V1 x 1
- Servo Motors x 6
- Arduino Uno
- Cardboards
- Wires, glue and other misc material
Examples of common tasks
- Say "sit down": the robot would sit down and start mimicing your hand gestures
- Say "Follow": the robot tries to walk by following your body movements
- Say "Shake": the robot will shake its butt ┍㋛┛
- Say "Move": the robot moves in a random way
- Say "Crawl": the robot would simply crawl