This library is used to create decision-based mult-end games
Download or clone it and then install with
For reference, python install
For use, import the step class
from steplib import Step
It is optional to add choices to the Step
class upon initialization
However, that means you have to provide children,
for example,
choices = {
"1": Step object 1,
"2": Step object 2
These are a dictionary describing the result of the user input
If the user inputs "1", it will activate step object 1
For what the user actually sees,
use options followed by the choice you want to see in choices
For example,
options = {
"somechoice": "1",
"someotherchoice": "2"
The first argument is the prompt itself.
A complete example:
master = Step("Hello! How can I help you?", {
"s": success
"f": failure
}, {
"star this": "s",
"fork this": "f"
To create endings, use the same Step
class, but leave both choices
and options
as defaults
success = Step("Success!")
failure = Step("Failure!")
To start the program, call master directly,