Library to help setup Particle Candy Library into a CoronaSDK project using the Kwik Photoshop plugin
It assumes that you alredy have CoronaSDK at least build 2014.2189, Kwik Photoshop plugin version 3 and a copy of the "Particle Candy" Corona library
##Where to get Corona, Kwik and Particle Candy
- CoronaSDK:
- Kwik:
- Particle Candy:
##How to use
From inside Kwik add Particle Candy library as "External Library" and name it "Particles"
Add "pcCreation.lua" as "External Code" from Kwik, and put it "After Layers"
There are some lines that are commented, feel free to copy and paste them depending if you want to add them as "actions" or from inside a button
Video tutorial available at
##Questions Should you have any question, you can reachme via Twitter @Appresario
Special thanks to to Gareth Dinnen for asking me to make this library and make the video tutorial