A gulp plugin for the esbuild bundler.
There are two exports available: gulpEsbuild
and createGulpEsbuild
. In most cases you should use the gulpEsbuild
export. Use the createGuipEsbuild
export if you want to enable the esbuild's incremental build or piping:
- the esbuild's incremental build is used with the gulp's watching files API and allows you to rebuild only changed parts of code (example);
- piping allows you to receive data from other plugins via stream piping (example).
const {createGulpEsbuild} = require('gulp-esbuild')
const gulpEsbuild = createGulpEsbuild({
incremental: true, // enables the esbuild's incremental build
piping: true, // enables piping
Notice: ⚠️ piping is disabled by default ⚠️
npm install gulp-esbuild
yarn add gulp-esbuild
const {
} = require('gulp')
const gulpEsbuild = require('gulp-esbuild')
function build() {
return src('./index.tsx')
outfile: 'bundle.js',
bundle: true,
loader: {
'.tsx': 'tsx',
exports.build = build
"scripts": {
"build": "gulp build"
command line
npm run build
const {
} = require('gulp')
const {createGulpEsbuild} = require('gulp-esbuild')
const gulpEsbuild = createGulpEsbuild({ incremental: true })
function build() {
return src('./src/index.js')
outfile: 'outfile.js',
bundle: true,
function watchTask() {
watch('./src/index.js', build)
exports.watch = watchTask
"scripts": {
"watch": "gulp watch"
command line
npm run watch
More examples here
Name | Type | Default |
sourcemap | boolean|'linked'|'inline'|'external'|'both' |
sourceRoot | string |
sourcesContent | boolean |
legalComments | 'none'|'inline'|'eof'|'linked'|'external' |
format | 'iife'|'cjs'|'esm' |
globalName | string |
target | string |
supported | object |
mangleProps | RegExp |
reserveProps | RegExp |
mangleQuoted | boolean |
mangleCache | object |
drop | 'console'|'debugger' |
minify | boolean |
minifyWhitespace | boolean |
minifyIdentifiers | boolean |
minifySyntax | boolean |
charset | 'ascii'|'utf8' |
treeShaking | boolean |
ignoreAnnotations | boolean |
jsx | 'transform'|'preserve'|'automatic' |
jsxFactory | string |
jsxFragment | string |
jsxImportSource | string |
jsxDev | boolean |
jsxSideEffects | boolean |
define | object |
pure | array |
keepNames | boolean |
banner | object |
footer | object |
color | boolean |
logLevel | 'verbose'|'debug'|'info'|'warning'|'error'|'silent' |
'silent' |
logLimit | number |
logOverride | object |
bundle | boolean |
splitting | boolean |
preserveSymlinks | boolean |
outfile | string |
metafile | boolean |
metafileName | string |
'metafile.json' |
outdir | string |
outbase | string |
platform | 'browser'|'node'|'neutral' |
external | array |
packages | 'external' |
alias | object |
loader | object |
resolveExtensions | array |
mainFields | array |
conditions | array |
tsconfig | string |
outExtension | object |
publicPath | string |
entryNames | string |
chunkNames | string |
assetNames | string |
inject | array |
plugins | array |