A Language Server for Clojure. Taking a Cursive-like approach of statically analyzing code.
homepage • features • installation • settings • clients • troubleshooting • support us
The goal of this project is to bring great editing tools for Clojure to all editors. It aims to work alongside you to help you navigate, identify and fix errors, perform refactors and much more!
You will get:
- Autocomplete
- Jump to definition
- Find references
- Renaming
- Code actions
- Errors
- Automatic ns management
- Refactorings
- Code lens
- Semantic tokens (syntax highlighting)
- Call hierarchy
For all available documentation, check the official website.
Contributions to clojure-lsp
are very welcome! You can open an issue or a PR and we'd love to help.
has more than 8.000 lines of code, to keep all of this working, we need to help the community on a lot of issues and implement new features. As a LSP server, this project is the base for Clojure clients like Emacs(lsp-mode), VSCode(Calva) and vim.
You can help us keep going and improving it by supporting the project
Special thanks to Eccentric-J for the clojure-lsp