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Pre Installation

ヒヤシンス edited this page Aug 28, 2023 · 22 revisions


Packages Use
bspwm Window Manager
sxhkd or swhkd Keybinds
alacritty Terminal
picom Compositor
rofi Menu
dunst Notification
polybar Panel
zscroll Text Scrolling
i3lock-color Lockscreen
x11 Display Server
feh Wallpaper Manager
brightnessctl Brightness Controller
imagemagick Image Processing
yad Dialog
xclip Clipboard
maim Screenshot
ffmpeg Screenrecord
gpick Color Picker
gnome-polkit Passwords
xdg-utils XDG Tools
xdg-user-dir User Directories
xsettingsd Live Theming
networkmanager Networking
python3.10+ Scripts
gobject-introspection Gobject
pygobject Python Gobject
playerctl Media Controller
pamixer Audio Controller
pipewire Audio
gtk3 Theming

Optional Dependencies

Dependencies Packages
Music Daemon MPD
MPD Client ncmpcpp
Mpris Daemon mpdris2

Full Dependencies from the installation script (AUR)

bspwm sxhkd
polybar rofi zsh alacritty picom-ftlabs-git dunst
gtk3 gtk4 gtk-engine-murrine gnome-themes-extra
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack wireplumber alsa-utils pamixer
feh brightnessctl bluez-utils i3lock-color
yad xclip stalonetray maim gpick imagemagick ffmpeg
nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-sarasa-gothic ttf-roboto
mpd mpdris2 ncmpcpp playerctl zscroll-git
polkit-gnome xfce4-power-manager
libnotify notify-send-py
xdg-utils xdg-user-dirs xdo xsettingsd
python3 pypy3 python-gobject


It important to install the required font for this installation or else it might look weird like Font Icons

Installing Fonts

You need this following Fonts:


You must enable UTF-8 encoding or else icon fonts won't work but most distros already enable it at default