This project is for creating perfect spatial hashmaps for a 3D data set. This implementation is based off the paper:, Perfect Spatial Hashing by Sylvain Lefebvre &Hugues Hopp, Microsoft Research
- This tool takes as input a list of 3d index (3D integer vector), and creates a mapping that can be used to pair a 3d index with a value.
- The best part about this type of hash map is that it can compress 3d spatial data in such a way that there spatial coherency (3d indices near each other have paired values near each other in the hash table) and the lookup time is O(1).
- Since it's perfect hashing there is no hash collisions
- This hashmap could be used for a very efficient hash table on the GPU due to coherency and only 2 lookups from a texture-hash-table would be needed, one for the offset to help create the hash, and one for the actual value indexed by the final hash.
To use:
- accumulate your spatial data in a list to pass to the PSHOffsetTable class
- construct the table with the list
- you now use this class just as your "mapping", it has the hash function for your hash table
- create your 3D hash with the chosen width from PSHOffsetTable.hashTableWidth.
- Then to get the index into your hash table, just use PSHOffsetTable.hash(key).
- That's it.
- If you want to update the offsetable, you can do so by using the updateOffsets() with the modified list of spatial data.