Using this library you can easily create and sign transactions for DecentralChain. It also allows you to multi-sign existing transactions or create them without signature at all.
Transactions are created via transaction creating functions. There are 15 of them:
const {
alias, burn, cancelLease, data, exchange,
invokeScript, issue, lease, massTransfer, reissue,
setAssetScript, setScript, sponsorship, transfer, updateAssetInfo
} = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions')
const issueTx = issue({
name: 'foo',
description: 'bar',
quantity: 10000,
senderPublicKey: 'GucCLYU7aqzcVUwVXX4nosceDisky9UpbmpFK39tVYom',
chainId: 'T'
const burnTx = burn({
assetId: '6toKooURvF3CpRQV8hzhNbHjK3Rb3L9Krd7TFnzcoe8L',
senderPublicKey: 'GucCLYU7aqzcVUwVXX4nosceDisky9UpbmpFK39tVYom',
chainId: 'T'
You can provide seed or private key to transaction creating function to sign it. If you do, senderPublicKey can be omitted.
const signedTranfer = transfer({
amount: 100000}, 'secret seed phraze'
const signedTranferViaPrivateKey = transfer({
amount: 100000}, {privateKey: 'GucCLYU7aqzcVUwVXX4nosceDisky9UpbmpFK39tVYom'}
Type LONG represents string or number. Strings are allowed since max js int is 2**53
Present in all transactions
interface IBasicParams<LONG = string | number> {
* Transaction fee. If not set, fee will be calculated automatically
fee?: LONG
* If fee is not set, this value will be added to automatically calculated fee. E.x.:
* Account is scripted and 400000 fee more is required.
additionalFee?: number
* If not set, public key will be derived from seed phrase. You should provide senderPublicKey in two cases:
* 1. Account, from which this tx should be sent, differs from tx signer. E.g., we have smart account that requires 2 signatures.
* 2. You to create tx without proof. Therefore no seed is provided.
senderPublicKey?: string
* Transaction timestamp. If not set current timestamp will be used.
timestamp?: number
* Network byte. Could be set as number or as char.
* If set as char(string), charCodeAt(0) will be used. E.g.,
* 'W' will be converted to '87'
* If not set, 87 will be used as default
chainId?: string | number
export interface IIssueParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
name: string
description: string
quantity: LONG
decimals?: number
reissuable?: boolean
script?: string
export interface ITransferParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
* Can be either address(base58 encoded 24 byte address) or alias.
* Alias should be used like 'alias:{chainId}:{alias}>'. E.g.:
* If we have alias 'foo', and we want TESTNET transaction, recipient should be 'alias:T:foo'
recipient: string
amount: LONG
assetId?: string | null
* Fee can be paid in custom token if sponsorship has been set for this token
feeAssetId?: string | null
* Bytearray encoded as base58 string
attachment?: string | TTypedData
export interface IReissueParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
assetId: string
quantity: LONG
reissuable: boolean
export interface IBurnParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
assetId: string
quantity: LONG
Exchange transactions are used by DEX mather. If you want to create your own exchange transaction, there is no params. You need to construct it by hand(see interface below, IOrder is described in Order section)
export interface IExchangeTransaction<LONG = string | number> extends ITransaction<LONG> {
type: 7
order1: IOrder
order2: IOrder
price: LONG
amount: LONG
buyMatcherFee: LONG
sellMatcherFee: LONG
export interface ILeaseParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
recipient: string
amount: LONG
export interface ICancelLeaseParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
leaseId: string
export interface IAliasParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
alias: string
export interface IMassTransferParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
transfers: IMassTransferItem[]
* Bytearray encoded as base string
attachment?: string | TTypedData
assetId?: string | null
export interface IMassTransferItem<LONG = string | number> {
recipient: string
amount: LONG
export interface IDataParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
data: Array<IBooleanData | IIntegerData | IStringData | IBinaryData| TDeleteRequest>
export type TDeleteRequest = {
type?: null
value?: null
key: string
export interface IBooleanData {
key: string
type: 'boolean'
value: boolean
export interface IIntegerData<LONG = string | number> {
key: string
type: 'integer'
value: LONG
export interface IStringData {
key: string
type: 'string'
value: string
export interface IBinaryData {
key: string
type: 'binary'
value: string
export interface ISetScriptParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
* Compiled script encoded as base64 string
script: string | null
export interface ISponsorshipParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
* AssetID of sponsored token
assetId: string
* Minimal fee amount in sponsored asset. To disable sponsorship set it to 0
minSponsoredAssetFee: LONG
export interface ISetAssetScriptParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
* Compiled script encoded as base64 string
script: string
assetId: string
export interface IInvokeScriptParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
dApp: string
feeAssetId?: string | null
call?: {
function: string
args?: {
type: 'binary' | 'integer' | 'boolean' | 'string',
value: string | LONG | boolean
payment?: {
assetId?: string | null
amount: LONG
export interface IUpdateAssetInfoParams<LONG = string | number> extends IBasicParams<LONG> {
* Id of previously issued asset
assetId: string
* New asset name
name: string
* New asset description
description: string
If you want to create the minimum you need to provide is amount and recipient as defined in Transfer params:
const { transfer } = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions')
const seed = 'some example seed phrase'
const signedTranserTx = transfer({
amount: 1,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
//Timestamp is optional but it was overrided, in case timestamp is not provided it will fallback to You can set any oftional params yourself. go check full docs
timestamp: 1536917842558
}, seed)
// or using alias
const signedTranserTx = transfer({
amount: 1,
recipient: 'alias:W:aliasForMyAddress'
}, seed)
Output will be a signed transfer transaction:
id: '8NrUwgKRCMFbUbqXKQAHkGnspmWHEjKUSi5opEC6Havq',
type: 4,
version: 2,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
attachment: undefined,
feeAssetId: undefined,
assetId: undefined,
amount: 1,
fee: 100000,
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq',
timestamp: 1536917842558,
proofs: [
You can also create transaction, but not sign it:
const unsignedTransferTx = transfer({
amount: 1,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
//senderPublicKey is required if you omit seed
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq'
Now you are able to POST it to DCCAPI or store for future purpose or you can add another signature from other party:
const otherPartySeed = 'other party seed phrase'
const transferSignedWithTwoParties = transfer(signedTranserTx, seed)
So now there are two proofs:
id: '8NrUwgKRCMFbUbqXKQAHkGnspmWHEjKUSi5opEC6Havq',
type: 4,
version: 2,
recipient: '3P6fVra21KmTfWHBdib45iYV6aFduh4WwC2',
attachment: undefined,
feeAssetId: undefined,
assetId: undefined,
amount: 1,
fee: 100000,
senderPublicKey: '6nR7CXVV7Zmt9ew11BsNzSvVmuyM5PF6VPbWHW9BHgPq',
timestamp: 1536917842558,
proofs: [
Order is created the same way as transaction
const { order } = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions')
const params = {
amount: 100000000, //1 dcc
price: 10, //for 0.00000010 BTC
priceAsset: '8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS',
matcherPublicKey: 'DDMFGjv3rCULuVkFywAHebd9mjKZnoQgqPixsSsReqtY',
orderType: 'buy'
const signedOrder = order(params, 'Some seed ')
To send transaction you can use either node REST API or broadcast helper function:
const {broadcast} = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions');
const nodeUrl = '';
broadcast(signedTx, nodeUrl).then(resp => console.log(resp))
You can send tx to any DCC node you like:. E.g.:
- - DCC TESTNET nodes hosted by Blockchain Costa Rica
- - DCC MAINNET nodes hosted by Blockchain Costa Rica
Most transactions require chainId as parameter, e.g: IBurnParams. By default chainId is 'L', which means MAINNET. To make transaction in TESTNET be sure to pass chainId if it is present in params interface and then send it to TESTNET node
This library uses @decentralchain/ts-lib-crypto
for cryptography and @decentralchain/node-api-js
for interacting with node.
You can access them this way:
const libCrypto = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions').libs.crypto
const libApi = require('@decentralchain/waves-transactions').libs.nodeApiJs