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Manifold is a utility library for web3 developers designed to wrap around the excellent Multicall contracts. The goal of Manifold is to provide a simple and clean python client to support web3 app developers.


Manifold started as an internal project at Dedaub as we found the existing to be somewhat limiting and heavy.


Until the creation of revert in EIP140 Solidity would rely on the throw keyword (later designated as invalid in EIP141) to abort transactions, whilst both opcodes achieve the same goal throw/invalid will also consume all of the gas allocated to the call. This becomes problematic for uses in ETL (Extract Load Tranform) projects, where the contract being called may throw (ex: calling an optional interface method like symbol).

To solve this issue Manifold implements an eth_call fallback mechanism to ensure that multicall batches which would previously have failed due to out-of-gas exceptions (caused by a throw in the fallback function) are given a second opportunity to complete.


Overall manifold should be pretty easy to use, the general workflow is as follows.

calls: list[Call[Literal["decimals", "symbol", "token_name"]]] = [
        "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",    # target address
        "decimals()(uint8)",                             # function signature (with optional return)
        ("decimals",),                                   # output label (used to identify the call, generally the func name and address)

multicall = MultiCall(
    "http://localhost:8090/ethereum",         # RPC-URL
    batch_size=1,                             # Size of each multicall batch
    num_procs=1,                              # Number of processes to use (multiprocessing)

# Generics allow us to infer the keys of this mapping to be "decimals", "symbol", or "token_name"
weth: dict[Literal["decimals", "symbol", "token_name"], Any] = multicall.aggregate() 

The library takes a list of call objects which each contain all the information relevant to one call; its target, signature, return label, and an optional return processing function. Following this you create a Multicall object which handles batching the calls with fallbacks, and optionally processes batches in seperate processes to circumvent possible cpu bottlenecks related to ABI encoding or post-processing. Under the hood the Multicall object connects to the rpc using an asyncio-http client to parallelize rpc requests, which can be configured via a num_conns kwarg.

Balance Checker

One of the important use cases for this library was extracting balance information on-mass, whether that be for ERC20 tokens or native (ETH, FTM, ...) tokens. As such we created a small addition to this library called BalanceChecker which takes a list of BalanceRequest and returns a list of Balance.

bc = BalanceChecker(
        BReq(token_address, owner_address)
        for (token_address, owner_address) in tokens.keys()

balances: dict[tuple[str, str], int] = {
        "0x" + balance.token_address.hex(),
        "0x" + balance.owner_address.hex(),
    ): balance.value or 0
    for balance in bc.aggregate()

Under the hood the BalanceChecker will segment the BalanceRequests into erc20 and native requests, dispatching the native balance calls to the getEthBalance function in Multicall3 and the erc20 to the respective contract. A small optimisation here is that balance requests to the zero-address are performed together, as many ERC20 tokens give special semantic meaning to these addresses and can cause batches to fail.