Version: | 0.4.2 |
Download: | |
Source: | |
Support: | >=Python3.3 |
Keywords: | native, bayes, classify |
cherry uses Naive Bayes algorithm for text classification (currently supports English and Chinese). It also provides confusion matrix and ROC curve for data analysis (cherry is developed by future-sec Lab ).
- Built-in cache, With built-in cache and numpy library for calculations. Text classify becomes extremely fast.
- High accuracy, the accuracy rate reaches 99% with 3000 spam/ham emails for training.
- Easy to customize, just put the data in different files/dir for training, you get a new classifier, custom word segmentation algorithm is also supported.
- Easy to analysis, output confusion matrix, ROC curve and misclassified results.
pip install cherry
Make sure POSITIVE in is set correctly, POSITIVE means which category you treat as positive when classify, we use 'spam' in example.
# We use nltk for word segmentation
>>> import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /Users/windson/nltk_data...
>>> import cherry
>>> result = cherry.classify(lan='English', text='hey ! the curtains look good - - i hope they do when they are hung - - lacy & i are planning to come next friday the 18 th . when ya\' ll go to the rodeo . i\' m taking a personal day from the bus and leaving early . thought i would bring them . answer & let me know if that\' s ok . if you need them before then i\' ll try to get them mailed . hope sweet cole is feeling better over his cold . love you , mom')
cherry.classify return a result object,result's percentage show the probabilities of different categories. we can see that cherry think this text has 98.1% will be ham and 1.9% will be spam.
>>> result.percentage
[('ham', 0.981), ('spam', 0.019)]
result.word_list shows most informative words. In this example, mom, hope, friday has most weight on ham category.
>>> result.word_list
[('mom', 2.7040267359471546), ('hope', 2.5896961619873533), ('friday', 2.2084685843119516), ('bus', 2.175959305746657), ('cole', 1.3918403469809846), ('early', 1.3430501828115533), ('th', 1.1363004412730202), ('let', 1.1213260781515704), ('hung', 1.0553681103597725), ('planning', 0.942572616214429), ('thought', 0.8943563401525694), ('leaving', 0.8810147232149959), ('rodeo', 0.8322245590455619), ('know', 0.7527820554594289), ('need', 0.7083388692206167), ('18', 0.5476529090081748)...
cherry support Chinese and English by default, if you need to support other languages, you can refer LAN_DICT in, each language accepts 3 parameters,
'Chinese': {
'dir': False,
'type': '.dat',
'split': _jieba_cut},
'English': {
'dir': True,
'type': '.txt',
'split': _word_tokenize}
Whether the dataset is stored in a separate file (English: data /data/English/data/) or in the same file (Chinese: data/data/Chinese/data/)
. ├── Chinese │ ├── cache │ ├── data │ │ ├── gamble.dat │ │ ├── normal.dat │ │ ├── politics.dat │ │ └── sex.dat │ └── stop_word.dat └── English ├── cache ├── data │ ├── ham │ │ ├── 0001.1999-12-10.farmer.ham.txt │ │ ├── 0002.1999-12-13.farmer.ham.txt │ ├── spam │ │ ├── 0003.1999-12-10.farmer.ham.txt │ │ ├── 0004.1999-12-13.farmer.ham.txt
- data type,for instance, .dat,.txt。
- text segmentation function,should return a list contains every valid word.
If you use your own data, you have to train the data like this:
>>> import cherry
>>> cherry.train(lan='English')
After install cherry, download test_data , create a 'data' dir inside the language dir. and put the language's data into 'data' dir.
test_data contains 1500 spam emails and 1500 ham emails, after git clone the repo, run
>>> python -h
usage: [-h] [-l LANGUAGE] [-t TEST_TIME] [-n NUM] [-d]
Native bayes testing.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
Which language's dataset we will use
-t TEST_TIME, --test_time TEST_TIME
How many times we split data for testing
-n NUM, --num NUM How many test data we need every time
-p Draw ROC curve or not
-d Show wrong classified data when testing
By default, choose 60 data from dataset randomly for testing, the others use for training. Repeat 10 times.
>>> python -l English -n 300 -p
| Confusion matrix | spam | ham |
| (Real)spam | 1463 | 5 |
| (Real)ham | 26 | 1506 |
| Error rate is 1.03% | | |
| Auc is 99.26 % | | |
The terminal print confusion matrix and error rate as above.
you can find auc.png in the directory
- Precision
1463 / (1463 + 26) = 98.3%
- Recall
1463 / (1463 + 5)= 99.7%
- add Adaboost algorithm
cherry使用贝叶斯模型算法对文本进行分类(目前支持中英文),并提供混淆矩阵用作数据分析(本项目由 伏宸安全实验室 开发),项目原理以及分析请浏览 贝叶斯分类器 。
- 内置预训练模型缓存,开箱即用。使用numpy库做矩阵计算,判断速度极快。
- 准确率高,例子一使用1000个训练数据,多元分类(正常,赌博,色情,政治)下准确率达到96%,二元分类下准确率达到98%。
- 容易定制,只需要把需要分类的数据放在不同的文件用作训练,就能得到目标分类器,支持自定义分词算法。
- 新增测试功能,能够获取测试后的混淆矩阵,以及被错误分类的结果。
pip install cherry
>>> import cherry
>>> result = cherry.classify('她们对计算机很有热情,也希望学习到数据分析,网络爬虫,人工智能等方面的知识,从而运用在她们工作上')
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /var/folders/md/0251yy51045d6nknpkbn6dc80000gn/T/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.899 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built succesfully.
>>> result.percentage
[('normal.dat', 0.837), ('politics.dat', 0.108), ('gamble.dat', 0.053), ('sex.dat', 0.002)]
>>> result.word_list
[('工作', 7.0784042046861373), ('学习', 4.2613376272953198), ('方面', 3.795076414904381), ('希望', 2.1552995125795613), ('人工智能', 1.1353997980863895), ('网络', 0.41148095885968772), ('从而', 0.27235358073104443), ('数据分析', 0.036787509418279463), ('热情', 0.036787509418278574), ('她们', -4.660672209426675)]
默认中文使用 jieba 分词,上面的0.899秒是它载入模型的时间(感谢fxsjy维护如此优秀的中文分词库)。结果返回的是一个Result对象,Result的percentage属性显示了对应数据每个类别的概率,正常句子的概率为83.7%,政治敏感的概率为10.8%,赌博的概率为5%,色情的概率为0.2%。
[('normal.dat', 0.837), ('politics.dat', 0.108), ('gamble.dat', 0.053), ('sex.dat', 0.002)]
[('工作', 7.0784042046861373), ('学习', 4.2613376272953198), ('方面', 3.795076414904381), ('希望', 2.1552995125795613), ('人工智能', 1.1353997980863895), ('网络', 0.41148095885968772), ('从而', 0.27235358073104443), ('数据分析', 0.036787509418279463), ('热情', 0.036787509418278574), ('她们', -4.660672209426675)]
>>> result = cherry.classify(lan='English', text='Yeah, I got one of Tumblr’s you-may-have-unwittingly-interacted-with-propaganda-blogs emails too. And like everyone else, I kind of shrugged because really, what am I supposed to do about that now')
>>> result.percentage
>>> [('ham', 0.795), ('spam', 0.205)]
>>> result.word_list
[('everyone', 0.85148562324955179), ('like', 0.82516831493217779), ('kind', 0.65081492778740113), ('got', 0.53303189213101732), ('else', 0.53303189213101732), ('one', 0.19882980404434303), ('now', -0.38717273906427518), ('emails', -1.364088092754864)]
. ├── Chinese │ ├── data │ │ ├── gamble.dat │ │ ├── normal.dat │ │ ├── politics.dat │ │ └── sex.dat │ └── stop_word.dat └── English ├── data │ ├── ham │ │ ├── 0001.1999-12-10.farmer.ham.txt │ │ ├── 0002.1999-12-13.farmer.ham.txt │ ├── spam │ │ ├── 0003.1999-12-10.farmer.ham.txt │ │ ├── 0004.1999-12-13.farmer.ham.txt
- 数据文件后缀,例如.dat,.txt。
- 分词函数,需要返回一个列表,包含分词后的每个词语,并添加在config文件中。
>>> import cherry
>>> cherry.train()
由于测试数据包含敏感内容,如果用户想进行测试,可以通过Google dirve下载 test_data 然后放在对应语言文件夹。
git clone仓库之后运行
>>> python -h
usage: [-h] [-l LANGUAGE] [-t TEST_TIME] [-n NUM] [-d]
Native bayes testing.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
Which language's dataset we will use
-t TEST_TIME, --test_time TEST_TIME
How many times we split data for testing
-n NUM, --num NUM How many test data we need every time
-p Draw ROC curve or not
-d Show wrong classified data when testing
>>> python -t 10
| Confusion matrix | gamble.dat | sex.dat | normal.dat | politics.dat |
| (Real)gamble.dat | 141 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| (Real)sex.dat | 0 | 165 | 0 | 0 |
| (Real)normal.dat | 3 | 8 | 118 | 11 |
| (Real)politics.dat | 0 | 0 | 2 | 152 |
| Error rate is 4.00% | | | | |
118 / (118 + 2) = 98%
118 / (3+8+11+118)= 84%
>>> python -t 10 -p
- 输入句子需转换成简体中文
- 增加Adaboost算法