- Why do you want to know that?
A tool for converting Xbox 360 shaders to HLSL.
An unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed created through the process of static recompilation.
Runtime for traditional ports or recompilations of N64 games.
Tool to statically recompile N64 games into native executables
A tool for recompiling Xbox 360 games to native executables.
The way to play Slippi Online and watch replays.
MarioPartyNetplay / Dolphin-MPN
Forked from dolphin-emu/dolphinDolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
project-slippi / dolphin
Forked from dolphin-emu/dolphinDolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
The 2013 edition of the Source SDK
Fully working & decompiled MCP for Minecraft 1.8.9
Mod Project Development Environment for Unity and Unity Games
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (USA/JP/EU)
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A speedy Mario Kart 64 decompilation, brought to you by the cousin of a tame racing driver.
An open-source 3DS emulator project based on Citra.
Rednex Game Boy Development System - An assembly toolchain for the Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color
a compilation of commercially usable game ready retro style 3d graphic assets
A template for getting started with FPGA core development