*** Complies with all YouTube copyright requirements, for personal use only ***
A text based application to download songs from a spotify playlist into MP3 format by downloading the song's lyrical youtube video. The songs are then organized in corresponding playlists in the output/ folder (the folder can be imported into apple music to sync with other local music for mac users).
Credit to the GitHub user brentvollebregt for inspiration for this project.
- Open the executable file named SpotifyDownloaderUI (will take a second to load the terminal session)
- The output folder for downloaded playlists will be created adjacent to the location of the executable file
- Clone this repository
- Install all the required libraries from requirements.txt into the Python path (must keep libraries up to date)
- Download the ffmpeg and ffprobe executables from http://ffmpeg.org/download.html and place them in your Python path (must keep file versions up to date)
- Run the SpotifyDownloaderUI.py file with python3 (I wrote the program using Python 3.8.1)
- The output folder for downloaded playlists will be created adjacent to the location of the Python file
Click the three dots at the top of a playlist (on the desktop version of Spotify), click share, and click "Copy Spotify URI" to retrieve the playlist's URI.
Make sure your version of youtube_dl is up to date, as if it is not, the downloading commands will likely be unsuccessful. To update youtube_dl after it is already installed with pip, run: sudo pip install -U youtube-dl (or run: python3.10 -m pip install youtubedl)