A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP / Go cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
Binance API python implementation
Official Documentation for the Binance APIs and Streams
arbitrage between crypto pairs in Bitfinex
Automatic Cryptocurrency Trading Bot using Triangular or Exchange Arbitrages
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
📈 A live cryptocurrency historical trade data blotter. Download live historical trade data from any cryptoexchange, be it for machine learning, backtesting/visualizing trading strategies or for Qua…
Endpoints of the most popular crypto exchanges aggregated into a central endpoint.
Cryptowatch public API Python implementation.
Simple backtesting for sleepless cryptocurrency markets
Python3 Wrapper for the CryptoCompare API
A python implementation of the Kraken API.
Automated cryptocurrency trading on Coinbase Pro (formerly gdax-trader)
Trading automation on poloniex cryptocoin exchange
Python bot to trade on Kraken via Telegram
Arbitrage bot that currently works on bittrex & poloniex
Scheduled buying of BTC, ETH, and LTC from Coinbase Pro, optimally!
Bitfinex Websocket API Client written in Python3
A complete open source system for tracking and visualizing cryptocurrency price movements on leading exchanges
💰 Cryptocurrency Trading Bot for Binance (Experimental)
IDEX v3 Exchange REST API python implementation
Kucoin REST and Websocket API python implementation
REST Exchange API for, Python 3
Binance Exchange API python implementation for automated trading
Poloniex API wrapper for Python 2.7 & 3