This Pong Game was programmed with Verilog using Altera's DE2-115 Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Board and a VGA Interface
Altera's DE2-115 Board can be purchased from:
- Note: Altera has been acquired by Intel as of December 28, 2015.
Furthermore, Quartus Prime Lite will be used as a multiplatform design environment for the FPGA Board. The free software can be downloaded from:
The main code files can be found in the "src" folder with VGAInterface.v being the top module.
Main Goals for this project:
- Learning how to use ALtera's FPGA Board
- Learning how to draw color patterns on a computer monitor by implementing RGB Signals with the VGA Port
- Utilizing Verilog to create a game of Pong
Project Features:
- Implementing green borders on the screen to indicate the left and right boundaries
- Implementing magenta borders on the screen to indicate top and bottom boundaries
- Two blue rectangles are used as paddles
- A red circle as the ball
- Two seven-segment displays on the FPGA Board are used to display the players' scores.
- SW0 on the FPGA Board is used to reset the scores and the position of the ball
- Push Buttons 0 and 1 are set up to move the left paddle up and down
- Push Buttons 2 and 3 are set up to move the right paddle up and down
- The paddles will move vertically but are now allowed to overlap the magenta borders
- The ball should always be moving diagonally on the screen using the X and Y axis for movement as well as following a finite state machine diagram for the ball, which is attached to this project above
- The background of the game is set to black