NOTE: The following instructions are for Yoke Classic, a stable version no longer in development, and available in Google Play and F-Droid
If you want a version with customizable layouts, try Yoke WebView. Yoke WebView is for the moment only available on GitHub.
Get the Android app on F-Droid, Google Play or Github.
The client can be installed with
# Requires Python 3.5+ which comes pre-installed in Ubuntu 16.04 and after.
git clone
cd yoke
# Linux
python3 -m venv venv
./venv/bin/pip install zeroconf python-uinput
python -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\pip install zeroconf
It's always good practice to use venv instead of raw pip into your system install as it keeps dependencies organized
On Linux to enable Yoke to create gamepad devices we need to add a udev rule
yoke-enable-uinput # you can find that script in the "bin" directory
(This can be undone via yoke-disable-uinput
On Windows Yoke needs the vJoy driver. The installer can be downloaded here.
Now you can run the client with
# Linux
PYTHONPATH=. ./venv/bin/python bin/yoke
# Windows
./venv/Scripts/python bin/yoke
Your computer should then show up in the Yoke app immediately if you are on the same network.
If not check the ip you want to use specifically
ip addr
and edit yoke/ def get_ip_address
to return it as a string
To test Yoke on Linux you can install, e.g. jstest-gtk:
sudo apt install jstest-gtk
jstest-gtk # to run
To use Yoke effectively with SDL-based games (e.g. all games using Unreal Engine or Unity3D), you can install the SDL gamepad tool. (If the package is not found, download the tool from the website.)
sudo apt install gamepadtool
gamepadtool # to run
Each yoke
process creates one virtual device. To run multiple processes on the same machine make sure to give them different --id
numbers (any integer greater than 0).
The communication between the Linux client and the Android app are unencrypted UDP messages. You should therefore use it in networks you trust. However, if you are not in a trusted environment you can always create one via USB or Bluetooth. Just enable USB or Bluetooth tethering on your Android device and connect your Linux computer. This will create a mini-network for just your Phone and Computer and Yoke will work as usual.
Changing the controller mapping and behaviour of certain axes is very simple. Have a look at bin/yoke
which is the Python script that is used for the yoke
If you want to modify more low level stuff that's also pretty easy. The Yoke linux client basically consists of a single Python file yoke/