Color schemes for lines and maps, color-blind safe
Those color schemes were designed by Paul Tol. This repository is only packaging his work so that it can be easily installed using pip. His work and details on how to use those schemes can be found on his website and in the docs directory.
Using pip:
pip install tol-colors
From source:
git clone
cd tol_colors
pip install .
Get a colorset:
cset = tc.get_colorset('bright')
Get a colormap:
cmap = tc.get_colormap('sunset')
Show the available colorsets, colormaps, and the discrete rainbow colormap:
python -m tol_colors
See each function docstring for details.
To change the default matplotlib colorset or colormap:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=plt.cycler('color', list(tc.get_colorset('bright'))))
plt.colormaps.register(name='rainbow_PuRd', cmap=tc.get_colormap('rainbow_PuRd'))
plt.rc('image', cmap='rainbow_PuRd')
- numpy
- matplotlib
Other packages already implement these colorschemes and might better suit your needs: