- 👨🏻💻 Web Developer with an infographist background
- 💼 Actively looking for front-end developer roles, available immediately
- 📃 Resume : https://rxresu.me/theophiledesmedt/front-end-developer
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ..
- 🌱 BRAKE, a Python-powered tool that automates flashcard generation from the Belgian road code, utilizing web scraping, TiddlyWiki integration, and a spaced repetition algorithm for optimized learning.
- 🌱 theophile.dev, my personal website that showcases my projects and shares my discoveries. The website is coded from scratch in PHP with an SQLite database, within a 100MB data restriction, and follows PSR guidelines.
- 🌱 Scidélice, an Angular PWA website that teaches cooking with a scientific twist!
- 🗂 I have created a public collection of TiddlyWikis—personal wikis self-contained within a single HTML file—covering a variety of interesting topics.
- ⚡In my free time, I love running, playing tabletop games, and cooking.
- 💬 Contact me to chat about anything web- or science-related, or just to say hello!
- 📫 You can also connect with me on LinkedIn
- Adobe Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, AfterEffect, Premiere
- 3D Modeling & Rendering: Rhino 3D, Cinema 4D, Maya, Keyshot, ZBrush
- CAD Software: Autocad, Solidworks, Microstation
- Open Source Tools: Inkscape, Blender, DaVinci Resolve, Audacity, Gimp, Krita
- Front-end Web Development (2nd Year), ifapme Tournai (2023 - Present)
- Bachelor in Infographics (3rd Year), HEH Mons (2017 - 2020)
- Associate Level in Mechanical Design, Dassault Systems (2018)
- Bachelor in Chemistry (2nd Year), HELHa Mons (2014 - 2017)
- Infographist Intern, BizzDev, Tournai (Feb 2020 - May 2020)
- Designed logos, wireframes, mockups, and developed applications with Angular.