I also have a descriptive article on Medium 'How To setup a simple Hadoop cluster on Docker'
This is a very simple setup for Hadoop cluster using docker. Explanation for every command or step is written as comment in all files.
There are four major parts of this setup,
- Assets : This folder contains binaries for Hadoop and Java. Please download JDK 8.0 binaries and hadoop 3.3.1 binaries and rename them to hadoop.tar.gz and jdk.tar.gz and put them under folder 'assets' for it to work properly
- Hadoop Base image : This image contains configurations and setup of Hadoop and Java.
- Name Node : This is located under /hdfs/namenode and extends to Hadoop Base Image. All configurations and assets required for this are located under same folder.
- Data Node: Located under /hdfs/datanode. Mostly is same is same as Namenode just needs to start a different process thus it extends to Namenode instead of directly extending to Hadoop Base Image.
This image lays the base for other images to be built on. First thing we need to do is install Hadoop and Java. I have provided Java 8 and Hadoop 3.3.1 but you can change it and rebuilt the image. All configurations related to YARN should be done here. All instructions can be found in /Dockerfile.
core-site.xml: under /config-files are located common configurations. core-site.xml. Any configuration specific for NameNode or DataNode can also be done here or in there specific configuration file i.e. hdfs-site.xml
hadoop-env: This script file contains env variables necessary for Hadoop to run. For now we just need one variable that is JAVA_HOME.
- start-hdfs: starts a hadoop cluster with 1 Namenode and 3 Datanode. it also attaches the last Datanode to the current terminal for operating in cluster.
NOTE: it is necessary that all containers starting should be under same network. By default they run under dock_net
scripts foder contains some handy scripts that could be used when experimenting with the cluster.
cleanup: this script will remove all running and dangling containers
build: this script could be used to build the base image for hadoop. Scripts for building NameNode and DataNode can be found in their individual folder.
This folder contains images for NameNode and DataNode that together forms HDFS or Hadoop Distributed File System.
This Folder contains configurations for NameNode. It basically contains directory for storing data(/opt/hdfs/namenode) and block size.
NOTE: the directory for storing data should already be created or it will throw error. The command for making the directory is located in Dockerfile
contains scripts for building and running NameNode. Though it is for testing if you want to run NameNode in cluster mode please use start_hdfs.sh
The configuration is same as for NameNode. No additional configuration is needed.
everything remains same as NameNode. You just neet to start datanode process while we started process namenode when building Namenode's docker images