This application is a simple IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) based on MPU6050 and Raspberry Pi Pico, which allows you to:
- Measure raw linear acceleration
- Measure raw angular velocity
- Eliminate offset from readings (from both accelerometer and gyroscope)
- Remove gravitational acceleration from accelerometer readings
- Implement a compass (using gyroscope readings compensated with accelerometer data)
- Statistical functions like standard deviation and variance
- Configure MPU6050 settings such as sample rate, output filters, and more
- Configure MPU6050 and Raspberry Pi Pico connection using I2C, and set up interrupts
- Kalman Filter implementation
- Implement FIFO and Pi Pico DMA connection
- Code and device Unit Tests
- Improve accuracy
- Code Refactoring
This project is still under development and is not fully finished. Therefore, there may be some errors in the code that are being systematically fixed. Thank you for your patience.