This Hochschule Ulm App contains 5 Activities (News, My studies, Library, Mensa, Personal informations); Including Login and Logout functions with a drawer layout in each activity to make navigation easier in the App and henceforth increase the user experience.
- News activity shows a news feed based on a RecyclerView and an Onclick function for each article to read more.
- My studies is a section where the student can get to Moodle without needing to jump to a browser, it’s integrated in the App using web view and since Moodle is mobile friendly we barely notice a difference between Moodle and the app.
- Library section shows Library information in the form of a CardView displaying a nice picture and the address of the Library in each campus with some contact informations and it also has onClick function that has a mapIntent which directs the user to Google maps.
- Mensa section is quite similar to library activity it has the University restaurants from the different campuses, when onClick on CardView an activity of Days of the week is shown then for each day selected the user can check the menus and the prices and the description of each meal.
- Personal Informations section shows logged in user data such as First name, Last name, Email...
Account credentials: Username: Student / Password: Informatik