Dika here! I'm a Software Engineer from Indonesia, currently working in PHP (Laravel) and Javascript. I primarily do backend development. I don't have anything special, but I hope to be able to change that in the future.
My hobbies include watching Anime, Reading Manga, Music, Spirituality and late night walks!
dika@greyrat: ~/my_readme (main⚡)$ neofetch
My Profile
Host: dikaardnt.com
Username: DikaArdnt
WhoamI: Normal People.
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP
FavouriteAnime: 無職転生 (Mushoku Tensei).
Waifu: タツマキ (Tatsumaki)
Waifu(2): ロゥリィ・マーキュリー (Rory Mercury)
Loves: タツマキ (Tatsumaki) (❤️ ω ❤️).
Pronouns: He-Him.
Location: Indonesian, Jawa Timur.
FavouriteSong: 美波 (Minami) - Amewomatsu.
Hobbies: Watching Anime, Read Manga, and Listening Music
Please Contact me on Discord for a quick
response: DikaArdnt
You can also email me here: [email protected]