Make work with Android View Binding simpler
DahfaSalifa / AutoMapper
Forked from AutoMapper/AutoMapperA convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.
Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt | 感谢P3TERX的项目源码|感谢KFERMercer的项目源码
Plugins for Auto-GPT
DahfaSalifa / autocomplete
Forked from withfig/autocompleteIDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
DahfaSalifa / AutoEq
Forked from jaakkopasanen/AutoEqAutomatic headphone equalization from frequency responses
DahfaSalifa / Auto-GPT
Forked from Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPTAn experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
SEI++: Adiciona novas funcionalidades ao Sistema Eletrônico de Informações - SEI
一个简单、敏捷、分布式的支持SpringBoot的Java爬虫框架;An agile, distributed crawler framework.