Give clarity in your bank expenses.
Import csv into sqlite DB.
go mod init
go mod tidy
go run *.go
go test *.go
Boekdatum Rekeningnummer Bedrag Debet / Credit Naam tegenrekening Tegenrekening Code Omschrijving Saldo na boeking
add column "transactionType" e.g. boodschappen, vakantie, vasteLasten, fun
create db connection in main and use db as input for other funcs. (as in dev.go createTable)
make generateTransactionType more general
- general for loop sql
- struct as input
unit tests
- create-db
- transactionTypes
print total amount per transactionType
print pretty with padding
define multiple transaction structs
run as cli
- init
- load transactionTypes (from yaml?)
- add time: "from" till "when" the data is captured
- add column for expenses per month
printUnknown: print table for all unknown
store struct in seperate table?
- method to add/rm search items
make importing csv more general
- input: csv, list of columns?
- provide api with Gin