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Flutter tags let you create clickable tags or create new ones using textField, adapting perfectly to the width of the screen.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_tags: "^0.2.4"
Created InputSuggestions. Return suggestions in the TextField. Is not complete, soon the list of suggestions will be implemented.
The code has been largely rewritten. Now the Tag width calculation is very accurate.
The Tag class has some optional parameters. If you want to insert an icon, the title is not displayed but you can always use it.
id: 1,// optional
icon: Icon.home, // optional
title: 'First Tag', // required
active: true, // optional
import 'package:flutter_tags/selectable_tags.dart';
List<Tag> _tags=[];
void initState()
// if you store data on a local database (sqflite), then you could do something like this
items.forEach((item) =>
id: item.id,
title: item.title,
active: bool.fromEnvironment(item.active) == "true",
tags: _tags,
columns: 3, // default 4
symmetry: true, // default false
onPressed: (tag){
void _getActiveTags()
_tags.where((tag) => tag.active).forEach((tag) => print(tag.title));
void _getDisableTags()
_tags.where((tag) => !tag.active).forEach((tag) => print(tag.title));
- tags - List 'Tag'
- columns - max columns (default 4)
- height - custom height of Tag (default auto-resize)
- borderRadius - custom border radius (default BorderRadius.circular(_initBorderRadius))
- borderSide - style border Side
- boxShadow - List of tag
- symmetry - bool
- singleItem - default false - same Radiobutton group HTML
- margin - margin between the tags (default 3)
- margin - padding of the tags (default 8)
- alignment - default MainAxisAlignment.center
- offset - Different characters may have different widths(e.g.: chinese character); (default 28)
- fontSize - default 14
- textStyle - if use textStyle, you need to set fontSize in it (the external fontSize will be ignored); if you set color in it will be ignored, you must use textColor/textActiveColor
- textOverflow - ellipsis, clip...(default fade)
- textColor - default black
- textActiveColor - default white
- color - background color of tag (default white)
- activeColor - background color of active tag (default green)
- backgroundContainer - default white
- onPressed - method
In the console you will receive some errors. InputTags not work properly because textField has some bugs.
import 'package:flutter_tags/input_tags.dart';
List<String> _tags=[];
void initState()
'first tag',
'android world',
'last tag',
tags: _tags,
onDelete: (tag){
onInsert: (tag){
void _getTags()
_tags.forEach((tag) => print(tag));
- tags - List 'String'
- columns - max columns (default 4)
- autofocus - default true
- inputDecoration - textInput style
- maxLength - max length of textField (int)
- keyboardType - TextInputType
- height - custom height of Tag (default auto-resize)
- borderRadius - custom border radius (default BorderRadius.circular(_initBorderRadius))
- boxShadow - List of tag
- symmetry - default false
- margin - margin between the tags (default 3)
- padding - padding of the tags (default left: 10)
- alignment - default MainAxisAlignment.center
- offset - default 3
- duplicate - allows you to insert duplicates (default false)
- fontSize - default 14
- textColor - Removed. now it can be set with textStyle
- lowerCase - default false
- textStyle - if use textStyle, you need to set fontSize in it (the external fontSize will be ignored)
- textOverflow - ellipsis, clip...(default fade)
- iconSize - default auto-resize
- iconPadding - padding of Icon close (default 3)
- iconMargin - margin of Icon close (default right: 8)
- iconColor - default White
- iconBackground - default transparent
- color - background color of tag (default green)
- backgroundContainer - default white
- highlightColor - default green'700'
- onDelete - return the tag deleted
- onInsert - return the tag entered
- suggestionsList - a List of string that force the insertion of specific items
If you encounter problems, open an issue. Pull request are also welcome.