This repository contains a curated collection of algorithmic problems along with their accepted solutions. The problems are organized into key topics that cover a wide range of algorithmic challenges. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your understanding of algorithms, this repository provides a comprehensive resource for practicing and mastering various algorithms.
The exercises are categorized into the following core topics:
- Fundamental problems designed for beginners to get started with basic algorithmic techniques.
- Various sorting algorithms (Quick Sort, Merge Sort, etc.) and searching techniques (Binary Search, Linear Search, etc.).
- Classic dynamic programming problems that teach you how to optimize solutions by solving subproblems and storing intermediate results.
- Algorithms to solve graph-based problems, including traversal techniques like DFS, BFS, and algorithms for shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and more.
- Problems that deal with querying ranges of data efficiently, such as segment trees and binary indexed trees.
- Problems involving binary trees, binary search trees, AVL trees, and various tree traversal algorithms.
- Algorithmic problems focused on mathematical concepts such as number theory, combinatorics, and prime factorization.
- A collection of problems related to string manipulation, pattern matching, and string processing algorithms like KMP and Rabin-Karp.
- Algorithms related to computational geometry, including problems on points, lines, and polygons.
- Well-documented solutions: Each problem is accompanied by a detailed explanation of the approach, time complexity, and edge cases.
- Optimized solutions: Solutions are implemented with an emphasis on efficiency and scalability.
- Comprehensive test cases: Every solution is tested with multiple test cases to ensure correctness.