Releases: DrBeef/QuakeQuest
Fix NaN crash in QuakeC PlayerPostThink function
Don't know 100% this fixes it, but I think it should..
6DoF Overhaul
Significant changes in this release:
- Fix for warping effect some players experienced
- Fix for the distortion when looking up and down
- Fixed the unintentional player movement when moving the weapon
- Weapons are now fully 6DoF and are located where the controller is
- Additional "Bullet Time" mode added
Couple of significant fixes
- Command line parameters now working again
- Using symmetrical render target to hopefully reduce "warping"
- Use ever so slightly reduced FOV as I think previous value was a little too high (also to reduce "warping")
- Updated to version 1.3.0
Fix for latest Oculus Update issues
Fixes issue with controllers in latest Oculus Update. Also adds following:
- Update to Oculus Mobile SDK 1.24
- Update to Android API level 24
- Requests Permissions when App starts
Head Orientation Tracking now Correct
Thanks to the work on my other current VR project, I found a much better way of calculating the Euler Angles from the orientation Quaternion provided by the Oculus Mobile SDK. I now do the following conversion and it works perfectly, no more sticky head tracking sensation when looking up or down:
Quaternion -> Rotation Matrix -> Euler Angles
Honestly the difference is night and day!
Small bug fixes
- Fixed issue with disabling bullet-time mode not working
- Slightly increased minimum speed during bullet time, was too slow
- Moved screen when showing menu/console slightly closer to make easier to read
Bullet Time Mode + Other fixes
This release brings some new features:
- Bullet-Time VR Mode: a blatant display of plagiarism, time progresses as you move yourself or your weapon, inspired by the Quake Mod SUPERQOT (courtesy of the SUPERHOT team)
- 3DoF weapon mode for those that don't like the slight movement 6DoF weapon introduced
...and fixes to a few things:
- Text Input now correctly allows you to join a multiplayer game (for more info on using text input, please see release notes for v1.1.0)
- Weapon scaling improvements
Text Entry and Other Improvements
This release brings a way to type into the console or type in order to start multiplayer games:
- Press Y to bring up the "keyboard" and Y again to exit text entry mode
- Push left or right thumbstick to select the character
- Press Trigger on the appropriate controller to type the selected character (or center character if no thumbstick direction is pushed)
- Press grip trigger on controller to cycle through the available characters for that controller
- Press B to Delete characters
- Press A for Enter/Return
Other improvements:
- Increased FOV and screen coverage
- SuperSampling wasn't actually active, it is now, delete commandline.txt in order for it to work
- Improved clarity of the console
Initial Release
First release of QuakeQuest. Please see the readme for more details.