Raspzilla is an SD card imaging/cloning program similar to Clonezilla.
- bash ( mine is >=4, should work with any modern version )
- pv (Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through)
- dd (convert and copy a file, part of GNU coreutils)
- dialog or whiptail (user friendly dialogs for shell scripting)
git clone https://github.com/DrLecter/raspzilla.git
Copy or link the raspzilla
file to anywhere in your path (/usr/local/bin would do),
and make sure it can be executed as root.
This script needs you to manually edit where the image files are.
I've put this together in a couple of minutes, in order to ease my needs of managing, imaging and cloning SD Cards for many Raspberry-based custom projects I work with for my organization. My workstation runs Debian 9 and images are Raspbian based. If your software is different, your mileage may vary.