Simple cases highlighting Resistance and Capacitance (RC) model for building simulation in order to obtain the dynamic behaviour of the indoor temperature and building heat demand.
Details given in Tol Hİ, Madessa HB. Development of a white-box dynamic building thermal model integrated with a heating system. Journal of Building Engineering 2023 (68).
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Praise and thank to the Almighty Allah (SWT). In memory of my mother Esma Tol and my father Bekir Tol.
We would like to acknowledge all of the open-source minds in general for their willing of share (as apps or comments/answers in forums), which has encouraged our department to publish our tools developed.
Tol Hİ, Madessa HB. Development of a white-box dynamic building thermal model integrated with a heating system. Journal of Building Engineering 2023 (68).
Tol, Hİ. BuildingSimulation_RC. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6523524. GitHub Repository 2022;
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