Carcassonne implementation in python
- Tilesets
- Base game
- The river
- Inns and cathedrals
- Abbots
- Farmers
Clone the project
Go to the project folder
pip install .
You can now use the API in other projects.
Code example for a game with two players
import random
from typing import Optional
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.carcassonne_game import CarcassonneGame
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.carcassonne_game_state import CarcassonneGameState
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.objects.actions.action import Action
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.tile_sets.supplementary_rules import SupplementaryRule
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.tile_sets.tile_sets import TileSet
game = CarcassonneGame(
tile_sets=[TileSet.BASE, TileSet.THE_RIVER, TileSet.INNS_AND_CATHEDRALS],
supplementary_rules=[SupplementaryRule.ABBOTS, SupplementaryRule.FARMERS]
while not game.is_finished():
player: int = game.get_current_player()
valid_actions: [Action] = game.get_possible_actions()
action: Optional[Action] = random.choice(valid_actions)
if action is not None:
game.step(player, action)
Make sure to have all packages from the requirements.txt installed in order to work with the stable baselines algorithm.
In order to be able to train with the self play setup you would need to create symlinks to the carcassone sjango server.
In carcassone_server/carcassone_server execute:
ln -s ../../gym_data gym_data
ln -s ../../wingedsheep wingedsheep