SWmanager - now online
This a multiple dashboard web-app which help SpacesWars(http://spaceswars.com) players to take future decisions.
Be sure to have NodeJS installed in your computer for using npm.
-Front Project
npm install
bower install
-Back Project
npm install
Maybe you will have to install grunt and bower :
npm install grunt
npm install bower
npm install bower-cli
npm install grunt-cli
-Front project
cd SWmanager-front
grunt serve
-Back project
cd SWmanager-back/api
nodemon bin/www
- Player Dashboard : search players and get their details by selecting one
- Colonial Dashboard : data analysis of all the planets actually living per players. It will help you to find the spot you desire in the galaxy
- Military Dashboard : search specific targets by selecting a range of informations
- Operations Center : create operations and add target to it, it will be saved for your next raids.
- Scripting : It can offer a prewritten script's action which can be used with Actionaz (mp for preconfigured scripts), to automatically launch your raids