DreamVu PAL family of cameras are the only single sensor 360° 3D Vision Systems. This SDK is compatible with the following DreamVu cameras:
This section is only applicable for Ubuntu 18.04 intel system with Nvidia GPU.
Please follow the steps on the official links of CUDA 10.2 & TensorRT 8.X to install the required GPU libraries. Please note that SDK has been tested for CUDA v10.2 & Tensorrt v8.0.0.3 combination.
The Package can be installed in two ways:
The Package can be downloaded directly from here and installed by running the below command from the location where it is downloaded,
chmod +x pal && ./pal
The Package can be installed by adding the PPA Repository. Steps are as follows:
sudo wget -qO - https://dreamvu.github.io/ppa/KEY.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dreamvu.list https://dreamvu.github.io/ppa/dreamvu.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ppa-pal
sudo apt install pal
Once complete please reboot the system. The packages will be installed in ~/DreamVu folder.
To preview the PAL camera, run the below command
sudo apt install pal-melodic-navigation
sudo apt install pal-noetic-navigation
sudo apt install pal-foxy-navigation
sudo apt install pal-humble-navigation
Turtlebot navigation support is also provided for both the versions of ROS and can be installed using following command,
sudo apt install ros-melodic-turtlebot-nav
sudo apt install ros-noetic-turtlebot-nav
- Setup Guide
- Code Samples
- PAL ROS Application Note
- PAL Mini ROS Application Note
- GPIO & UART Application Note
- Design Integration Guide
- API Documentation
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