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kestrel Public
Simple DDD toolkit for Kotlin
kestrel-example Public
A very simple fully reactive Kestrel application built using Micronaut
Kotlin UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
puppeteer Public
Forked from puppeteer/puppeteerHeadless Chrome Node API
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
gke-tools Public
Build and deployment CLI toolkit for building and deploying container apps to GKE. Utilises Helm.
agent-authorisation-api Public
Forked from hmrc/agent-authorisation-apiScala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 8, 2018 -
vue-kotlin-template Public
A skeleton VueJS and Kotlin template
k8s-init-container-issue Public
Shows steps for recreating an issue I found with init containers in k8s
HTML UpdatedOct 13, 2017 -
questionnaire-flow Public
Simple programming exercise for defining questionnaire flows
Scala UpdatedMar 13, 2017 -
app1-config Public
Forked from spring-cloud-samples/config-repoConfiguration files for the server sample
UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
restapidocs Public
Forked from jamescooke/restapidocsTemplates for documenting REST APIs
The Unlicense UpdatedJun 8, 2016 -
actorddd Public
Playing around with DDD with the actor model (using akka-persistence and Cluster Sharding extension)
Scala UpdatedFeb 23, 2016 -
realtime-search Public
Demonstration using Play!, Akka, AngularJS and Elasticsearch to perform real-time log entry search
eda-presentation Public
Source code for my EDA presentation at Digital Croydon
Scala UpdatedApr 9, 2015 -
thespian Public
A DDD, CQRS and event sourcing framework built on Akka
activator-akka-cluster-sharding-scala Public
Forked from typesafehub/activator-akka-cluster-sharding-scalaActivator template for the Akka Cluster Sharding feature
Scala Other UpdatedNov 25, 2014 -
bootstrap-social Public
Forked from lipis/bootstrap-socialSocial Sign-In Buttons for Bootstrap
CSS MIT License UpdatedOct 21, 2014 -
octodubstep Public
Octodubstep is a declarative, typesafe configuration property management framework for the JVM
thespian-address-book Public
A simple Play! application showcasing Thespian
Scala UpdatedNov 1, 2013