Application use OpenCV and work on video input to apply some filters.
Not Concurent Algorithm implementation:
- Black and white
- Sepia
- Blur
- Contrast
- Edge detection
To check app work run:
To compile this app you need CMake
and OpenCV 4
output aplication cmake-build-debug/video-filter-sequential
run parametr:
video-filter-sequential [video input] [filtr] [preview flag]
- Contrastsepia
- Sepiaczarno-bialy
- Black and whiterozmycie
- Blurwykrywanie-krawedzi
- Edge detection
[preview flag]
- wyswietlaj
flag show preview window use opencv imshow
- Ireneusz Kuliga - Driblinho
- Jarosław Kuliga - DelPiero10pl