DMusic Public
DMusic Player for Android - An online music player based on Component + MVP Base + MVP Customization + greenDAO + OkHttp3 + Retrofit + RxJava2; supports local and network music playback; can play B…
Common Public
Common is a basic component library for android ——UI Components, MVP Base, MVP Customization, Auto Loader, Auto Pager, Components, Tools; UI组件化,MVP Base,MVP定制, 自动加载,自动分页Pager, 模块化, 功能组件, 更多工具类...
Cache Public
Cache ——Level 3 cache(memory, sdcard, network), abstract asynchronous time-consuming operation for any object, main thread callback, chained call. Get the first frame of the video, audio duration, …
CommenPlayer Public
CommenPlayer ——Video player, Support ijkPlayer, Vlc, MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer; 视频播放器,支持ijkPlayer,Vlc,MediaPlayer,ExoPlayer
UIUtil Public
UIUtil for Android, Lyrics, Tick animations, Comparisons, Satellite menus, Praise, Slide buttons, TAB indicators, Contact sorting, Drag sorting, Skidding deletes, Shadow effects, RecyclerView nesti…
SlideLayout Public
SlideLayout for Android ——Sliding delete, sliding menu, implementation by scroller ;侧滑删除, 侧滑菜单, Scroller方式实现
PullLayout Public
A reusable Pull to Refresh library for Android. Support RecyclerView ListView ScrollView ViewPager CoordinatorLayout. Sliding damping, supports all directions. Drag and drop sort. You can use it li…
Album Public
A local image selector for Android; 支持仿微信图片选择UI,实现了拍照、图片选择(单选/多选)、预览、编辑画图等功能
Aster Public
Aster is a network request library for android, supporting HttpURLConnection, Volley, OkHttp3, Retrofit2 as HTTP client.
FingerprintCompat Public
A library for using registered fingerprints to authenticate the user in your app.
PermissionCompat Public
Android runtime permissions without RxJava2 ——Android 6.0 运行时权限
TaskScheduler Public
Thread Pool. Task/Thread switching, scheduling, without RxJava2; 线程池、线程切换、任务调度
TabView Public
TabView for Android ——Slide indicator/button/tab; 滑动指示器/按钮/TAB控件
AndroidOrm Public
Fast integration with SQLite & ORMs. greenDAO, Sqlite, Room, OrmLite, LitePal, Realm; ORM数据库、快速集成
StatusBarCompat Public
Forked from niorgai/StatusBarCompatStatus Bar Utils ---- Change Status Bar Mode Simply
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 5, 2019 -
RecyclerList Public
Handwritten recyclable list, not ListView, RecyclerView.
DMusicSkin Public
Music Player for Android ——Skin皮肤
BookReader Public
Forked from smuyyh/BookReader📕 "任阅" 网络小说阅读器,实现追书推荐收藏、书籍/标签检索、模拟翻书的翻页效果、缓存书籍、日夜间模式、书签、txt/pdf/epub书籍阅读、字体/主题/亮度设置、Wifi传书等功能~