All projects worked on while taking Udacity cloud-DevOps Nanodegree
In this course, I was reintroduced to the fundamentals of cloud computing and AWS serivces. I also deployed a static website on AWS
With the advent of cloud computing, along came several tools that enabled us to deploy the underlying infrastructure components that provide security and services to our serves by writing scripts. In this course, I learnt how to deploy this infrastructure using CloudFormation, AWS' tool for infrastructure as Code. I used CloudFormation to deploy infrastructure patterns that are used in the industry broadly and can be readily used to deploy any cloud application. Like in the real world, I began with initial business requirements that I turn into Cloud Architecture Diagrams. Then I deployed this architecture uing CloudFormation.
In this course, I learnt how to stretch for Continuous Delivery as my "true north" while I built CI/CD systems that automate the "stuff" between developers and the cloud, I gained essential knowledge and put it into practice as I learnt about Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. I combined my existing knowledge of Cloud Formation and AWS with new tools like Ansible and Circle CI. I also learnt how to keep an eye on my deployments with proactive monitoring and alerting.
In this course, I learnt to create and deploy a kubernetes cluster, configured kubernetes autoscale and load test a kubernete application. I learnt to operationalize both existing and new microservices and apply containers best practices. I learnt to deploy Machine Learning microservices that are elastic and fault tolerant. I learnt to pick the appropriate abstraction for microservices: Services (AWS Lambada) or Container Orcestration (Kubernetes)