After our internship, we had a lot of stuff we needed to get rid of before heading back home. We had a google spreadsheet with all things we wanted to sell, but we wanted to display everything in a nicer way to potential buyers.
This project generates a website based on a CSV file (e.g. Google Spreadsheet export). Simply create a spreadsheet with the required columns and either export that spreadsheet as CSV to the /data directory or simply point the /data/ script to your google spreadsheet and let it do the export automatically.
You can also add the to your crontab to periodically update the website when the spreadsheet changes.
Demo website:
Demo Spreadsheet:
Look at the URL of your spreadsheet. The whole part bewtween /d/ and /edit is the ID. In the example Spreadsheet that is 19hAbGD_VBhD5i8Fuwt-Rey8jFb3a0MsgmhVLF1FQTQk
Make sure to set the spreadsheet privacy settings to Anyone who has the link can view. Otherwise the update script cannot fetch the export.